Monday, March 29, 2010

thoughts for today

so its raining again. didn't this happen only a few short weeks ago but with snow. precipitation has been very present in our lives in 2010. too bad peter doesn't get off for rain.

jonah may or may not be getting a new tooth but his sleep habits are indicating it. 3:42 on a sat morn is just too early for me. at least this morning he slept till 4. those extra 18 min really make a difference let me tell you.

finally found clothes pins after going to 4 stores and now its pouring. isn't that the way sometimes. its ok the weather people assure me that it will be beautiful and sunny by the end of the week and I will have cloth diapers drying in the sun before I know it. is it weird that I can't wait to see them all hanging there with the sun beating down on them the earth imparting its natural scents to my baby's diapers? don't get me wrong. i'm excited for drying all of our clothes out there too but i just get giddy at the thought of diapers out on the line.

easter is this weekend.

how is it that my fabulous baby boy can walk all the way across the room while holding something in his hands but can't do it when his hands are free.

waiting to see if the roof really is repaired.......buckets on hand just in case.

had a great time in dc with kara on sat. her new house is super cute. exposed brick everywhere. eastern market reminded me of home and the 77th st market.

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