Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Numero Uno

My baby Boy is One. How did this happen. A one yr old sounds so old and grown up and he is still my little baby, isn't he? Truth is he's both. He's soooooooo big. standing tall and taking a few steps here and there, feeding himself, doing a little self play. but he;s also still a baby. wants to be around mommy all the time, prefers a bottle to a sippy cup. He's in between a baby and a toddler, he's a little man.

I can't believe it was a yr ago. peter and i barreling down I-95 praying we didn't have a turnpike baby. Hoping he had turned and was no longer breetched and I could have my planned water birth with the mid wives. those hopes were quickly dashed and off to the hospital we went. picking out names on the 15 min drive between the birth center and the hospital. having to come to grips QUICKLY that I was going to have a c section. having a c section. ITS A BOY!!!!!!! then dealing with the whole NICU drama. insisting on breast feeding, we had to compromise on that one.

My baby born with black and blue feet from kicking me so much.
he was so tiny, got down to 5 lbs. it felt like the first month was full of drama, sleeplessness and drama.

We settled in to a rhythm. cosleeping, swaddling, breastfeeding, babywearing, ECing. so many things that were new became usual so quickly. It has all happened so quickly.
His cloth diapers that went up to his arm pits in the beginning, now fit just fine.
he's still skinny even though he eats more than you would think that little body could ever eat. He's just so active he burns all his calories. Active inside of me, active out, he's our little speedy man. A yr has gone by and I can't believe it. Nothing went as planned yet it all worked out perfectly!

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