Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Times when its ok to break the law

When you have a sleeping newborn in the car all rules should go out the window!! Parents should have a special flashing light or something so that we can alert other drivers etc that we will be:

1. running red lights and stop signs
2. ignoring all posted speed limits
3. ignore all passing rules

all in the name of keeping our adorable, sweet, amazing, screaming machines asleep in the back of the car.

I can't be the only parent who is willing to lead police on a high speed chase just to keep my bundle quiet!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I think they're ganging up on me!

So obviously she came out!! 39 hrs of full on back labor. After 28 hrs at home I went to the hospital and yelled expletives when I was told that I would have to wait 15-20 min for my epidural. But I had been stalled at 8 cm for 5 hrs, hadn't eaten, slept, or sat down really (except for the birth tub) in over 24 hrs and was done, just done. the meds allowed me to get 3 hrs rest, then they turned it down, the contractions came back full force, I pushed for 3.5 hrs and beautiful Lulu entered the world.

And now there are two. Two wonderful, adorable children who I love dearly. But, but........ Lu wakes up at 4AM to eat and goes back to sleep around 4:45 and then J wakes up at 5AM for the day. So you see I'm waking up at 4AM every day and um, well that's not really a good time for me. Is it really asking too much to sleep in til say 6AM? Tha'ts all I'm asking for kids, 6. Any chance?