Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We have a talker!!

My little man is talking!!! Now it may seem odd that I would be excited that my 2.5 yr old is talking but you see this is a new event. Up until now Jonah has said only a few words and those that he did say were understandable only to those of us that spoke "Jonah". But now, WATCH OUT. He is TALLLLLLLKKKKKINGGGG!!!

He got tubes put into his ears 2 weeks ago to help his recurrent ear infections, hearing and speech. Peter and I both felt that he was speaking more clearly on the ride home.

Every day he has been saying more and more, actually saying Mommy instead of MMMMMM. and Daddy instead of Da.
All of a sudden he is counting to 8 and saying the alphabet except the letters V and W.
Who knew that he knew those things. Its truly incredable.

P and I are both big talkers, actually saying that we're big talkers is kind of an understatement so the fact the we had a child who didn't talk was really unexpected. I do think that it has helped me though, I have had to become a better listener, a better communicator. I have had to really listen to Jonah in non verbal ways, get to know what his cues, his gestures, even what his posture means. And for someone who is used to just talking talking talking it has been rather revolutionary.

But now my little guy is talking. and to be honest I'm relieved. It has been difficult, really difficult for me at times. But now Jonah can actually tell me what he wants an I love it love it love it!!!!! hearing him say 1,2,3,4, more, 5, 6 ,8, 7 is absolutely beautiful and no I don't know why the word more comes between 4 and 5 or why 8 comes before 7 and frankly I don't really care.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

give me an S

today the stars aligned an for 15 wondrous minutes both of my children were asleep. They never nap at the same time so I was very skeptical about how long this would last but throwing caution to the wind I decided to shower!! That's right folks SHOWER!!! It had been so long since shower and I had hung out.

I was nervous that one would wake up crying and thereby wake the other up so it was a super speed shower but the water was hot and I am clean.

Its really nice to not smell like baby puke...............sadly I'm sure its not going to last long.

Oh and of course as soon as I got out of the blessed shower Miss Lu was awake :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


Here it is! Are you all ready for my confession?


Its true, I'm not. Its taken me a while to come to this realization, maybe some of you have suspected it all along. But its just hitting me now. I am not wonder woman. I can't do it all, be all things to all people, save the world.

Of course Wonder woman might not be so wonderful either if she had 2 screaming kids in the back of that invisible airplane of hers. I mean there really is no way she's chasing a toddler in those heels, and while her bracelets may be fabulous for deflecting bullets they would most likely scratch a newborn every time she went to pick them up.

Don't get me wrong. I love Wonder Woman. She has blue hair for goodness sake, sure they say its black but we all know its blue. And I'm obviously a fan of her bright and colorful outfit. But I'm beginning to question whether even she could do it all. Maybe the reason she doesn't have kids or a spouse is because she felt that she had to make a choice between career and family and she chose career. After all saving the world is a big job and when your kid has an ear infection you can't really ask if the "bad guy" could try and destroy the world tomorrow cause you're needed at home.

So if Wonder Woman can't do it all and I can't do it all maybe I'm more like her than I thought.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Times when its ok to break the law

When you have a sleeping newborn in the car all rules should go out the window!! Parents should have a special flashing light or something so that we can alert other drivers etc that we will be:

1. running red lights and stop signs
2. ignoring all posted speed limits
3. ignore all passing rules

all in the name of keeping our adorable, sweet, amazing, screaming machines asleep in the back of the car.

I can't be the only parent who is willing to lead police on a high speed chase just to keep my bundle quiet!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I think they're ganging up on me!

So obviously she came out!! 39 hrs of full on back labor. After 28 hrs at home I went to the hospital and yelled expletives when I was told that I would have to wait 15-20 min for my epidural. But I had been stalled at 8 cm for 5 hrs, hadn't eaten, slept, or sat down really (except for the birth tub) in over 24 hrs and was done, just done. the meds allowed me to get 3 hrs rest, then they turned it down, the contractions came back full force, I pushed for 3.5 hrs and beautiful Lulu entered the world.

And now there are two. Two wonderful, adorable children who I love dearly. But, but........ Lu wakes up at 4AM to eat and goes back to sleep around 4:45 and then J wakes up at 5AM for the day. So you see I'm waking up at 4AM every day and um, well that's not really a good time for me. Is it really asking too much to sleep in til say 6AM? Tha'ts all I'm asking for kids, 6. Any chance?

Friday, July 1, 2011

How long can this go on????

41 weeks and going strong? Maybe strongish is a better word, even though its not really a word.

Looked up the longest pregnancy on record. 375 days. over a yr being pregnant. yeah that's a really fucking long time. I mean good for that woman that she stuck it out but I'm just not that cool.

Yes I want a natural home birth etc, but there is no way I'm going to still be pregnant come september. Hell I can't believe I'm pregnant in July.

When I chose July 4th as my guess for when I was going to deliver I was more than half joking. But here we are 3 days away from July 4th and I may not even have this lady by then.

To be fair to my friends, family and husband, I'm not the nicest person right now. I'm not meaning to be argumentative or shall we say bitchy I'm just full of hormones and baby and there's no room left for my normally shiny disposition........................

Basically I should just be locked in a room with a significant amount of ice cream for the foreseeable future! And Chinese food, Ice cream and Chinese food!! Thats all I need!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Someday I'll give birth.....right???

Its a race between whether I'll have this baby before I run out of tums or I need to go out and buy a humungous bottle.

The freezer is stocked full of meals, baby clothes are washed, birth supplies are prepared and ready to go. All that needs to happen now is for her to make her grand entrance :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

fear, denial, maybe she's just never coming out!!

I think I'm in denial, maybe its a little bit of fear. I knew that with everyone telling me that this baby was going to come early meant that she wouldn't. I called July 4th and I'm sticking to it. But I'm also partially convinced that she's actually never coming out of me!!!

I've been pregnant since September, SEPTEMBER!!! do you realize how long that is!!!! I think she's just decided to stay inside. Maybe I want her to stay inside, the whole birth thing is a bit scary.

I planned a natural midwife attended birth with Jonah and that turned into a c-section 3 ring circus. So I really don't know what to expect with actually delivering a baby. I'm nervous, I'm scared, it is totally the unknown. I have complete faith that I can do it, I just don't have the faith that I'll be given the opportunity to do it. Will this birth be taken away from me as well?

Sunday, May 22, 2011


When J was in the womb and still to this day he loved and still loves house/techno music. My ears bleed but the smile he gets while jumping around the room to techno is worth it.................on most days.

I was hoping with baby girl we would have some sort of music taste in common. but last night while I stayed up way too late Justin Timberlake came on SNL and he started singing and she started dancing inside of me. The girl loves JT. I'm not sure I can handle boy band music in the house.

I have a feeling that the teen yrs with me and these kids are going to be long ones filled with many many "can you turn that #$%^^^& down!!!"

Why can't my kids like dylan, the dead, the beatles???? Why!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

its enough already!!!

Went out to eat yesterday with mom, peter, and jonah. the table 2 behind us began having a LOUD conversation as to whether I'm pregnant or just fat!!! how tacky do you have to be to have a conversation as to whether someone is fat or pregnant. I mean really. I even heard one of them say "well, she has a toddler so maybe she just hasn;t lost the baby weight yet". Can you believe that!! Peter told me that I should go over to their table and tell them to go F themselves and that I'm pregnant.
I decided not to say anything since clearly they were morons and not worth my time.
As we were in the parking lot, they came out of the restaurant and peter leaned out the window and screamed "she's pregnant" then drove off.

I'm going to make a shirt that says "I'm pregnant not fat" and wear it everyday from now till the baby's born!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm done, stick a fork in me!

I've reached the stage of pregnancy when being comfortable is a full blown thing of the past. Sleeping, sitting, standing, it doesn't matter, its all uncomfortable. there is no relief.

I swear I'm getting bigger every few hrs.

If it wasn't for the whole "its too early for the baby to be born thing" I would try to start labor.

That and the fact that I haven't finished the sweater I'm knitting for her :) She can't come till its done cause once she arrives who knows the next time I'll be able to sit down and knit.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm all for natural etc. but the "placenta smoothie" recipe that my midwife gave me today has sorta ruined the word "smoothie" for me!

she predicts it will only be another 5-6 weeks till our little one arrives. excited to meet her but overwhelmed with all that still has to be accomplished before the EVENT!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

things you shouldn't say to a pregnant woman: the sequel!

man: WOW!! that's going to be one big baby cause you look HUGE!!! I mean you look really BIG!!

Um excuse me but did you leave the house without your meds today? Who the hell says that to another person, especially a pregnant hormonal pregnant woman!!!

What is wrong with people!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

things you shouldn't say/do to a pregnant woman!

Washing my hands in the restroom of a restaurant, the woman washing her hands next to me asks if I'm pregnant, then how far along I am, then spins me around and feels up my belly. Not put her hand on my belly, feels it up, molests, my belly. It was all so fast, it was so aggressive. I didn't have time to stop it, I didn't know what was going on. It was intrusive. Then it was over and she walked away. Just because I'm pregs doesn't mean that my boundaries 0f personal space have changed.

I want to get a shirt that says "hands off" or "ask first please" or "stay the fuck back" whatever, you get my meaning!!

In a store talking to a sales woman and mention that I'm pregnant. She says "really? How far along are you?" I tell her 6.5 months. She says "you're hardly showing. Most people probably just think you're chunky not pregnant". Um excuse me did you just call a pregnant lady fat? First let me say that I am indeed clearly pregnant, undeniably pregnant. The huge belly coming off my body should be the first indicator. Second, when someone tells you they are pregnant you should say the one thing that all pregnant women want to hear "YOU ARE ALL BELLY"!!!! Those words are powerful, they mean you haven't gained any weight except in your massive pregnant stomach and from the back I would never have know but from the front you are clearly beautifully blessed with child. How hard is it to say that. ready all together now "All Belly"!!! The words chunky, fat, large, surprisingly big etc should never be uttered to a pregnant woman!!!

So in closing: don't molest my baby bump and don't call me fat. Is that too much to ask?

Monday, March 7, 2011


Skinny Maternity Jeans are an oxymoron

I'm a moron for buying them

And my moronic status is confirmed by the fact that I continue to put them on even though they are uncomfortable just because they look cute.

I'm 6 months pregnant for goodness sake I should be wearing my yoga pants every day with pride!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

you know its monday...........

Jonah is doing a great job of telling me when he has to pee, but he refuses to pee in his potty. That is for "little boys" he says. But apparently peeing in the shower is for "big boys". So he stands in the shower and pees. At least he's got the "I've got to go" thing right? Its kinda a pain in the ass though. I have to take off his pants and socks, then once he's done I have to wash his feet. But ok, he's peeing somewhere other than his diaper and I should be thankful...............right?

This morning, he said he had to pee, we went through the whole disrobing process and he peed. Great! Then he pooped. Ok, this has happened before, I just clean the shower. And lets be honest my shower doesn't usually get cleaned this often so maybe its a good thing? But today after he pooped in the shower, he decided to rub his feet in it, Ahhh no wait stop, Then he reached down and grabbed some and smeared it on him self, AHHHHHHHHHHH StOPPPPPPP, then he ran out of the shower and started smearing it everywhere in the bathroom, like seriously everywhere. OK. So I finally wrangle him get him up the stairs and into the upstairs shower since the downstairs one is out of commission!! We are both covered in poop, and um its super gross. But then we are clean and I think its all over.

I was feeling relieved. I forgot about what the bathroom looked like. But then I came back downstairs and it smacked me in the face. By this point the poop is dried and caked on to all the surfaces and I want to cry.

So happy Monday to you all. I hope yours is less poop filled than mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

life stuff

Buffalo chicken in the slow cooker. a new recipe that I've never tried. but at the beginning of this pregnancy I was on a huge blue cheese dressing kick and I need to use some of it up. So buffalo chicken for dinner it is!!

Jonah's bday party is in 2.5 weeks and I have done almost no planning for it. very unlike me!! I usually am making time lines by this point.

I am giving away all my size 2's and smaller. Lets be honest, I'm probably never going to fit into them again and there are plenty of people out there who could use them. But the size 4's them I'll keep :)

My closet has been cleaned out of all non maternity and huge sized clothing, from here on out its only the big stuff for me!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Have you been outside today!!!

Jonah and I just went on a fabulous walk outside!!

I wore a tee shirt, jeans, and my sandals. Thats right I said sandals!!

Jonah wore a tee shirt, jeans, and his rain boots, cause he wont leave the house without his rain boots anymore.

He actually refused to leave the house without his winter coat and hat. He was sure I was forgetting them and as he stood under the coat rack pointing up and looking at me like I was crazy for asking him to leave without them I tried and tried to explain that its 70 deg outside he didn't need them. After 5 min or so he finally agreed to trying to go outside without them, he then of course ran down the street completely liberated in the gorgeous sun!

Now he'll probably refuse to wear his coat and hat ever again even though the weather is turning colder.

Oh spring how you tease me. I wish it could stay like today. But I'll just have to carry it in my memory for the next 2 months till the 70's return.

In other news I started sewing on the sleeves of Jonah's bday sweater today!! Almost done!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


don't toy with me spring. you better actually be here. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it if you go away again and are replaced by endless days of 20 deg weather.
I need you spring. I need you to fill my house with sunshine, I need to be able to open my windows and feel the crisp air flowing through. I need to be able to go outside, on walks, play in the playground for more than 15 min at a time.

don;t leave me my beloved warmth.

Spring please stay!!

As for you stink bugs, I'm ready to break up!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


There Jonah and I are scrambling to get out of the house running late for an appt we have to tour a preschool.
I ask him to get his sneakers, he returns proudly holding his rain boots and sits down for me to put them on him. Its not raining I tell him, you need to wear your sneakers not your rain boots. He is adamant, he will be wearing his rain boots today.
I begin to argue and then stop myself in my tracks. What am I doing? Me of all people telling some one what they should or should not be wearing. Making fashion choices for some one else.

The yrs of arguments my mother and I had over what I was wearing and I swore up and down that I would never NEVER do that to my child. I would let them wear whatever they wanted to, I would respect their individuality, I would embrace their creativity and self expressionism. And yet there I sat on the bottom step with my son telling him that he couldn't wear his rain boots because its not raining.

I immediately put down the sneakers, called my mom, let her gloat for a second and then put on the rain boots. He happily strutted out the door in his green boots covered in pictures of bugs feeling proud that he made the decision about his footwear.

I hope that is the last time I ever try to tell him what to wear. Who do I think I am?

Friday, January 28, 2011

snowy days

its snowy here, very snowy, with more on the way today and tomorrow. I better get out of the house today during a break in it or I may lose it.

We went to the childrens museum on tuesday before it all started so of course jonah now has a cold. I'm still looking for a plastic bubble if anyone has one. maybe I should try craigslist.

At least he slept till 6 today instead of 5.

You would think with all this time spent inside of the house we would have gotten all the stuff on our house to do list done, but you would be mistaken. maybe today we'll be able to tick a few things off, probably not.

you also may think that I've gotten a ton of knitting done during this snowed in period but once again, nope.

I told myself that I couldn't work on anything else till I finish my niece's leg warmers, its killing me to get them done. they aren't hard or anything to knit, I just have a mental block. i should just allow myself to move on, this is supposed to be fun right? That's it, I've decided, I'm giving myself permission to knit something else, I'll get back to the leg warmers when I get back to them, even if its in June, wool in june is ok right? lets just say yes!!!

I've also been baking bread in the bread maker, after a few failed attempts. our kitchen is unheated and the bread wasn't rising so I finally put a space heater next to the machine and viola bread!! yummy delicious warm bread!!

and I've been baking brownies. i think I need to make some butterscotch sauce to go with those bad boys. and strawberry sauce cause I love me some butterscotch and strawberry together!!

yeah, that to-do-list is staying just as it is! I've got chocolate chip cookies to make, its normal to make cookies at 7AM right?

Friday, January 14, 2011


country white bread baking away and filling my house with joy!!

jonah's scarf is finished and he loves it so much that he refuses to even try it on........it could work as a headband for me right?

As the stomach turns!

Jonah has the stomach flu! I had the stomach flu! and Peter has somehow avoided the stomach flu..........so far!

Aghhhh. I have washed our sheets, clothes, and everything else in the house innumerable times. I'm ready for this phase of our lives to be over thank you very much.

I did, however, get a good deal of knitting done while stuck in bed. I finished the mulit colored balaclava. but I would rather have avoided the experience all together.

I'm contemplating making mittens to go with it, but I've never made them before. It is National Knit Mitten month so if not now when really?
I can't believe that there actually is a National Knit Mitten Month. I love knitting and all but shouldn't our law makers be focused on I don't know, just off the top of my head...............ending 2 wars, poverty, immigration, nutrition, the prison system, the education system, gun laws,,,,,,,,,,,,rather than voting to make January Knit Mitten Month!

I'm going to break out one of my fabulous Christmas presents------The bread machine that Kara got me!!! The smell of fresh baked bread in my house in a few hours is making me a little giddy!!

So I'm off to make bread and finish the scarf that I started for Jonah this morning. Then I'll get back to the puke laundry and then figure out whats for dinner. Those 2 things don't really go together do they?

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm too tired to be taken seriously

It's 3:27 Am so basically ignore everything that I'm going to say for the remainder of this post.

My child is sick, again. dr appt tomorrow or really just later today can not come soon enough. how can he be so bright eyed and bushy tailed at this hr. its really quite rude if you ask me. the only way to behave at 3 AM is asleep if you ask me.

Last night he woke up at 12:45. I took the 12:45 to 2:15 AM shift at which point Peter took over. he finally got J to sleep at 5AM. And then the kid woke up at 7:30 at which point it was my turn again.

currently we are watching "Mary Poppins" again and again and again. that music can really get in your head and then make you want to stick an ice pick in there for good measyre. peter and i keep catching ourselves singing them around the house.

and on another topic what is up with Prince William and Kate not wanting servants? can I have them if they aren't using them? i could use a house keeper and cook for a little while. As soon as she pops out a kid she will be begging for that housekeeper and cook cause who has time to do the dishes with a newborn hell I don't even have the time to do them with a toddler.

there should be a phone number you can call and talk to other moms who are up in the middle of the night with their kids. we could all cry to each other and talk about how tired we are. i suppose i could find a chat rm or something on this here computer that had moms in the same situation but a chat rm really can't replace hearing the exhausted voice of a fellow mom to make you feel like you're not alone.

how can he be so fine with drinking milk, eating pretzels, and watching a movie at this hr. I am not fine with it,. i want to be in bed, eyes closed, and whats that word, its been so long since I've done it, oh right, sleep. that's it. sleep. oh how I miss you.

Is it ok to sleep on the couch while your kid is awake. does it count as parenting if you're in the rm or do you actually have to be awake? who makes these rules anyway?

is there some sort of plastic bubble i can put us in for the rest of winter to prevent anymore illness? did anyone else see the movie "boy in the plastic bubble"? maybe he's not using his anymore and we could borrow it. how hard is it to make a clean rm like they have in the hospital? i suppose you'd actually have to have a clean house first which just brings me back to the house keeper thing. the bottom line is that I don't want to leave the house for the rest of the winter and part of the spring to prevent anymore sickies invading our world. Peter could get sprayed with some sort of disinfectant before entering since he has to leave for work and all. how am I going to get groceries, good question. I haven't worked out all the kinks yet.

it's 4AM, my child is jumping on the couch with no interest in going to sleep, excuse me while I go cry............................