Thursday, October 28, 2010

My little man, oh how I love him but lets be honest I love sleep and he doesn't.

So when he started making noise at 5:20 AM I wasn't shocked but after a few minutes.....silence. He fell back asleep thankfully. I closed my eyes and waited to fall back asleep myself but at 6 I was still awake and came down stairs to knit. Why lay in bed when there is knitting to be done?

At 8AM he's still asleep. AND I'M NOT!!!! there is something so wrong about this situation.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So I guess when I declared that this week was going to be accident free I should have included illness free as well.

the j man has a double ear infection!! poor little man! guess I know why he was up half the night.
J was up most of the night................

I think it was a combo of being cold and having a super stuffy nose.

I've heard that some kids sleep later in the morning of they didn't sleep much at night, but that's just not my little one's style.

Up bright and early he was.

Thankfully I made baked french toast last night for breakfast this AM. Let me tell you, that french toast is really all that's getting me through right now.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Home, exhausted, had a blast.

Camping was great.

Steve and Irene's wedding was beautiful.

And to round out the J man accident list:
he walked into a tree yesterday and has a big bruise on his forehead and today at the wedding he put his hand on the grill and has a burn blister on his thumb. He also has a crazy snot situation going on from allergies.

Tomorrow better start a full week of accident freeness!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

camping and a wedding

Going camping, camping, camping. At least that's what we're calling it. We're staying in a cabin, a heated cabin, with a bathroom, fridge, etc. basically its a hotel but you cook outside on a grill. but hey, we haven't been camping since before the j man was born and I can't wait. the car is packed minus the camera which is somewhere but not any where that i can find.
Just waiting for Mr. P to come home from work and we're off.

8 adults, 4 kids, 1 dog.

And on Sunday we are going to Steve and Irene's wedding.

So much fun in planned for the next 2 days!!

I even made marshmallows for the smores. I plan on knitting, enjoying, and relaxing. but i will really probably be chasing my little one around as he laughs, frolics, and explores the world around him.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

8:52 AM and I already feel like I've lived a whole day since I woke up.

Jonah collided with the table this morning. Blood started pouring, gushing may be a better word from his nose. First bloody nose. Poor guy. After a few minutes and 2 cool damp towels the blood stopped and after 2 sippies of milk and 2 sesame episodes he has calmed down. I look like I've done battle field surgery, my pajamas are covered in blood. I need a hot shower and some clean clothes and then I'll be right too.

So in case you are keeping track J now has:
1 black eye
5 teeth coming in
1 fat lip
1 swollen nose

and its only Thursday.

Is it wrong that I don't want to leave the house today? I can just imagine the stares I'm going to get in town as people see my guy and give me that "bad mother" look.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Doogie gave Wanda a pelvic!! and other things.

I've searched, and searched, I've looked for swarms of fruit flies and armies of ants but I still have not found the banana. Or the sour cream.

Yesterday as J and I were getting out of the car he wanted to hold my keys. I put him in the house, keys in his little hand and went back to the car to get groceries, etc.

After putting away everything I noticed that he wasn't holding the keys. I asked him where they were but he just laughed. That's right laughed. I asked a few more times but he wasn't telling just laughing. Then I took to searching through his toys, books, everywhere to no avail. Frustrated, convinced that I would never find them, have to get a key made for the car, how does one get a key made for a car, etc. I see something out of the corner of my eye in my's the keys. He put them back where they go. Frankly it was kinda annoying!

This got me thinking, maybe he threw away the banana and sour cream. Could it be that the reason I can't find them is cause they are no longer here? This will drive me crazy till the end of time.

On another note, has anyone else seen black stirrup pants and scrunchies popping up in stores recently. TOOOOOOO SOON PEOPLE TOOOOOO SOON!!!! If I see one pair of pegged jeans out there I will not be able to keep my mouth shut, I may have to unpeg on the spot. You have all been warned!!

And another retro item. Last night after knitting I came home to find P watching a new channel on the tv. Its all reruns of classic shows. SO after watching the end of Wonder Years Doggie Howser came on. And what an episode it was.
Picture it: Doogie and Wanda are on their second date, she gets appendicitis and to diagnosis it he has to give her a pelvic exam. Ah they don't write em like they used to. Then for some reason he has to do the surgery etc. It was great. But my favorite and least favorite part was at the end when she asks if he saw her naked and he says only from the upper chest up and her shoulders. UMMMMM you gave her an f'n pelvic YOU SAW HER VAGINA!!!!
First what did she think he was doing down there, did she think he had his eyes closed. Second what did this teach young girls like me watching this, that your vagina isn't part of your body or something?
I know I'm probably reading too much into a Doogie episode but maybe not.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


giving j a bath this morn. he LOVES!!!!! his bath!!! he loves to splash around, play with his foam letters and numbers and other random bath toys, squeeze water out of his wash cloth. Today was no exception. he was laughing, playing, having a great time.

I look down and I see what is decidedly not a chunky bar floating in the water. YUUUUUCCCKKKK!!! poop in the tub. my brain goes into mommy clean my child, don't let him eat the poop mode.

scoop up the offending floater. drain the water. scoop up the toys and put them in the sink to be disinfected later. turn on the shower, rewash the kid.

he is no longer loving his bath. now he wants out. why is mommy going crazy, why did mommy take away my toys, why am I getting washed again, why is mommy going crazy??

He is washed and dried.

I need a piece of rosemary bread and brie!! Trust me rosemary bread and brie can fix any mommy stress moment. Its the new "mommies little helper"!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

things you don't want your baby sitter to say

I arrived home last night and the babysitter said:

"Jonah was walking around with his banana and put it down somewhere but I'm not sure where"

I have searched the house but found no banana. I could follow the inevitable smell but I have a cold and am all stuffy so it will have to be a really REALLY bad smell till it penetrates my nose. Hip Hip Hooray!! Can't wait to clean up gross disgusting decomposing banana from some nether place in my house.

And in case you were wondering I still haven't found the container of sour cream J took out of the fridge 6 weeks ago and hid some where.................

Monday, October 11, 2010

I feel like bloggers, myself included, have taken a collective vacation from blogging. It seems like everyone just needs a break from the medium or something.

Until yesterday i hadn't posted in a week or so. lots of the blogs i read have gone longer.

Oh well. We all need space some times.

My niece's bday party is on Halloween and I am so excited cause every one has to come in costume. I love dressing up!! I would love to do a family costume but i need some inspiration. any ideas for a home made mom dad and toddler costume? I was thinking of honey bees. thoughts?

we purposely did nothing all weekend. its felt like we've been going and going even on the weekends for months so we took this weekend off. hung out just the 3 of us. it was fabulous!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

2 trips to loews today just to get a tool to put together an shelf thing from ikea. ughhhhhh. i'm so sick of big box stores. why can't hand made furniture be more affordable?

now i'm actually expected to get off the couch and provide dinner to my guys. pizza anyone?

Friday, October 1, 2010

does anyone elses kid purposely make a mess just so they get to use the dust buster to clean it up. thats right....jonah purposely threw his dried cereal on the floor then ran over to the dust buster with glee pointing and saying "me me me". ok so then I am filled with a dilemma. Do I let him clean up the mess he made, which is what he wants or do I punish him for purposely making a mess by not letting him use the dust buster to clean it up?

I'm all for other people cleaning but I don't want to encourage the mess making behavior.

Where is that parent instruction book they gave me when he was born?

My yesterday

Yesterday 8AM:
Jonah goes into downstairs bathroom and locks the door. ON PURPOSE! He is knocking from his side and laughing and saying "mommy where?" "mommy where?" which is of course his way of saying "who is it and mommy come find me" at the same time. I of course am panicking over the fact that my toddler is locked in the bathroom. Thankfully Peter was home and grabbed a butter knife and got little man out lickity split.

By the way I am notorious for getting locked in the yellow bathroom in the Rhode Island house. One summer, I think I was 10 or so, I got locked in more times than I can count. One time, kara and I were there alone and it went on for over and hr and Kara was trying to throw a hose through the window so I could climb down it. But then an adult arrived on the scene and put the kibosh on the hose idea. To this day I still don't lock the door in that bathroom.

Yesterday 11:30
Driving to the Dr for J's check up. I see him in the mirror wiggling and shifting in his car seat. I'm driving down the highway in the left lane. All of a sudden I see him unbuckle his car seat. Thats right unbuckle his car seat. Little Houdini that he is. I try to get over so that I can pull off the rd and strap him back in. But there is an endless number of cars coming and no one is letting me through, Don't they know I am in the midst of a mommy emergency!!! Then he starts to get out of his seat and is climbing down, we're in the mini van. Then all of a sudden he gets back in his car seat and falls asleep, like passes out falls asleep. I guess the whole getting out of his car seat wore him out. So my first thought was "thank goodness he is at least in his seat and not walking around the back of the mini." My second thought was "great now his nap schedule will be ruined!" I finally get over and strap him back in. Then I arrive at the dr's slightly disheveled. He asks if there is anything I would like to talk about, ummmmmmmmmmmmyeah I have a few things!!! He tells me about this thing you put over the buckle of the car seat to prevent kids from getting out.

I think J woke up yesterday with a "I'm putting mommy through it today" attitude. But we both had a good night sleep and today is going to be different, right Jonah, today is going to be different!