Wednesday, December 9, 2009

baby toy big deal

have a lead on a furnished house to rent so cross your fingers folks. it supposedly has a view of the water, which in realtor speak most likely means if you crane your neck while standing on a ladder on a clear day you may possibly be able to see some sort of water which may or may not be a puddle.
we'll see how it goes.
baby boy continues to amaze and impress. i was looking at photos last night while working on an xmass project and can't believe how much he's changed in 9 months. he was so tiny and baby bird like. now he is all over the place, into every thing and full of personality.

yesterday we were in walmart (again) and he pulled a toy off the shelf. it was 5 bucks and he refused to let go so i figured better to buy it rather than have a screaming baby in the middle of the toy aisle. the toy happened to be two people billed as a husband and wife, and they are african american. so after more shopping we go to check out and the check out teenager gives me quite a look and asks "miss you want this toy? yes. you're sure, this toy? yes. um you want to buy this toy? yup I want to buy that toy" I thought the guy was going to get on the loud speaker and make an announcement throughout the store.
Have I mentioned that I hate living here in this racist narrow minded environment. J saw a toy that he liked, he wasn't making a political statement, more than likely he was responding to the bright color of their shirts. And believe me I wish he was making a statement. It would make my UWS liberal heart proud. Its a toy, he likes it, enough.

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