Wednesday, October 13, 2010


giving j a bath this morn. he LOVES!!!!! his bath!!! he loves to splash around, play with his foam letters and numbers and other random bath toys, squeeze water out of his wash cloth. Today was no exception. he was laughing, playing, having a great time.

I look down and I see what is decidedly not a chunky bar floating in the water. YUUUUUCCCKKKK!!! poop in the tub. my brain goes into mommy clean my child, don't let him eat the poop mode.

scoop up the offending floater. drain the water. scoop up the toys and put them in the sink to be disinfected later. turn on the shower, rewash the kid.

he is no longer loving his bath. now he wants out. why is mommy going crazy, why did mommy take away my toys, why am I getting washed again, why is mommy going crazy??

He is washed and dried.

I need a piece of rosemary bread and brie!! Trust me rosemary bread and brie can fix any mommy stress moment. Its the new "mommies little helper"!!


  1. Haha, I looked at your post title and thought maybe you found the banana. Not sure which is grosser.

  2. can you imagine what the sour cream is going to be like when I finally find it..............
