Friday, October 1, 2010

My yesterday

Yesterday 8AM:
Jonah goes into downstairs bathroom and locks the door. ON PURPOSE! He is knocking from his side and laughing and saying "mommy where?" "mommy where?" which is of course his way of saying "who is it and mommy come find me" at the same time. I of course am panicking over the fact that my toddler is locked in the bathroom. Thankfully Peter was home and grabbed a butter knife and got little man out lickity split.

By the way I am notorious for getting locked in the yellow bathroom in the Rhode Island house. One summer, I think I was 10 or so, I got locked in more times than I can count. One time, kara and I were there alone and it went on for over and hr and Kara was trying to throw a hose through the window so I could climb down it. But then an adult arrived on the scene and put the kibosh on the hose idea. To this day I still don't lock the door in that bathroom.

Yesterday 11:30
Driving to the Dr for J's check up. I see him in the mirror wiggling and shifting in his car seat. I'm driving down the highway in the left lane. All of a sudden I see him unbuckle his car seat. Thats right unbuckle his car seat. Little Houdini that he is. I try to get over so that I can pull off the rd and strap him back in. But there is an endless number of cars coming and no one is letting me through, Don't they know I am in the midst of a mommy emergency!!! Then he starts to get out of his seat and is climbing down, we're in the mini van. Then all of a sudden he gets back in his car seat and falls asleep, like passes out falls asleep. I guess the whole getting out of his car seat wore him out. So my first thought was "thank goodness he is at least in his seat and not walking around the back of the mini." My second thought was "great now his nap schedule will be ruined!" I finally get over and strap him back in. Then I arrive at the dr's slightly disheveled. He asks if there is anything I would like to talk about, ummmmmmmmmmmmyeah I have a few things!!! He tells me about this thing you put over the buckle of the car seat to prevent kids from getting out.

I think J woke up yesterday with a "I'm putting mommy through it today" attitude. But we both had a good night sleep and today is going to be different, right Jonah, today is going to be different!

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