Thursday, October 14, 2010

Doogie gave Wanda a pelvic!! and other things.

I've searched, and searched, I've looked for swarms of fruit flies and armies of ants but I still have not found the banana. Or the sour cream.

Yesterday as J and I were getting out of the car he wanted to hold my keys. I put him in the house, keys in his little hand and went back to the car to get groceries, etc.

After putting away everything I noticed that he wasn't holding the keys. I asked him where they were but he just laughed. That's right laughed. I asked a few more times but he wasn't telling just laughing. Then I took to searching through his toys, books, everywhere to no avail. Frustrated, convinced that I would never find them, have to get a key made for the car, how does one get a key made for a car, etc. I see something out of the corner of my eye in my's the keys. He put them back where they go. Frankly it was kinda annoying!

This got me thinking, maybe he threw away the banana and sour cream. Could it be that the reason I can't find them is cause they are no longer here? This will drive me crazy till the end of time.

On another note, has anyone else seen black stirrup pants and scrunchies popping up in stores recently. TOOOOOOO SOON PEOPLE TOOOOOO SOON!!!! If I see one pair of pegged jeans out there I will not be able to keep my mouth shut, I may have to unpeg on the spot. You have all been warned!!

And another retro item. Last night after knitting I came home to find P watching a new channel on the tv. Its all reruns of classic shows. SO after watching the end of Wonder Years Doggie Howser came on. And what an episode it was.
Picture it: Doogie and Wanda are on their second date, she gets appendicitis and to diagnosis it he has to give her a pelvic exam. Ah they don't write em like they used to. Then for some reason he has to do the surgery etc. It was great. But my favorite and least favorite part was at the end when she asks if he saw her naked and he says only from the upper chest up and her shoulders. UMMMMM you gave her an f'n pelvic YOU SAW HER VAGINA!!!!
First what did she think he was doing down there, did she think he had his eyes closed. Second what did this teach young girls like me watching this, that your vagina isn't part of your body or something?
I know I'm probably reading too much into a Doogie episode but maybe not.

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