Thursday, August 26, 2010

Is it fall yet?

This is going to sound crazy coming from me but................I CAN'T WAIT TILL FALL. I know I know usually I start the count down to summer the moment the temp hits 65 but not this yr.

This summer has flown by. We moved mom twice, thats right twice. We moved once.
P taught summer school
For the first time we didn't take our annual summer road trip.
Maybe its a combination of those things maybe its none of them.

I also think the summer went so fast because it was so insanely hot. Usually we are outside for the summer. Hiking, playing, enjoying. But this summer we spent most of the time (when we weren't moving) sitting in front of fans hiding from the blazing sun.

It was just so contrary to our normal seasonal activity. I'm a hot weather lover. Give me a pair of shorts, a tank top and my birkenstocks and I'm a happy girl. I dream about my summer uniform all winter long.

But now I can't wait till jeans, sweaters, and wooly socks. I'm even taking a sock knitting class to get prepared!!

And let me say that a girl who lives in a super drafty and poorly insulated house from 1840 should not be looking forward to cold weather. Peter and I have spent hours talking about hanging curtains from doorways and putting plastic on windows to try and make it somewhat warmer in here in the winter.
You know it's going to be rough when all your neighbors say things like "good luck in the winter in that house".
But it just makes me want to knit yummy sweaters and blankets and cozy up with my guys.

Last night I dreamed that I could crochet. Maybe its time I learned?

Even though its going to be cold I love our house. We are still surrounded by boxes but its so nice to be in this space. I just feel much more positive here.
I'm happy.

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