Monday, February 22, 2010

Wonderful Sat night in baltimore. Many things made it fabulous:

1. I left the house

2. Hung out with adults

3. Got to talk girl talk with Lynette, bless you friend. I'm surrounded by boys!

4. The weather was spectacular, 50 degrees!!!

5. Jonah loves hanging around guys, he's with me all day, and seeing how happy he was being around daddy, craig and jon made me smile.

6. Did I mention I left the house?

I need to find a play group or something with moms I like and babies j can play with. we both need it. There is a mom's group around here but it seems every time I say I'm going to go something else comes up. I just need to prioritize better.

Baltimore thank you for rejuvenating me!

Lost....I'm obsessed!! It seemed like everyone was saying how fab it is and can't believe you don;t watch it, etc. During the last snow storm P and I started watching it on Netflix and ummm we're basically lost junkies now. can't get enough, love it, what is going on, complete obsession!!!! I admit we are totally late to the party on this one but I'm glad we finally arrived. last night we started season 2 and let me say that if i could have stayed up all night and watched it i would have. thankfully p convinced me that we did actually have to go to sleep since baby would be waking for his very early morn feeding and work and well people just need sleep.......

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