Pictures from Peter's Bday BBQ. His birthday really isn't till the 27th but we celebrated early. The new grill worked like a champ. and beer, bocce, and brownies were enjoyed by all.
I gave him a shirt with a playable electric guitar built in it. YOu can find it here: http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/interactive/c498/zoom/
He hasn't really had one to play since the mold made him get rid of guitars, banjo, ukulele, drums, etc. I thought this would be a good temp till he gets a new one. It has this little amp you hook onto your belt. It was really funny. And thankfully he liked it.
I have a problem of getting presents for Peter that he doesn't really like. The problem is that I listen to him. He says he wants something, I file that knowledge away for a later date, then I get him the item for Christmas, bday, etc, but it turns out it was more of a spur of the moment "I want that" than an actual one. But I think after 5 + yrs of being together I've learned. At least I hope I have.
Jonah continues to amaze me. Tonight he picked up his PJ's and put them around his neck and pointed up the stairs. Um so you want to go to bed? Yeah he says. He says Yeah not yes. Put them on him and away he went. couldn't believe it. He is cutting 2 teeth at the moment so maybe that's why he is extra tired. I just hope he doesn't wake up at 4AM!!
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