Yeah that's me in high school. Had a slight James Dean obsession...and for the record I thought I looked FABULOUS!!!!
This weekend is my 15 yr high school reunion, which makes me feel incredibly old.
(I'm not feeling grammary today)!
Ok so I feel old.
One bright spot is that I get to hang out with my best friend from high school Emily. We may not talk every day or every month for that matter but when we get together its like we are 16 again hanging out on her bedroom floor talking about the most important dramas of life.
Now with Emily I'm happy its like we're back in high school, for the rest of the folks I'll be seeing the same thing will be true but in a not so good way. That's my fear anyway.
I went to one of those alternative, progressive private schools in NY. Where every one was super cool (except me) and tried to out weird the person next to them. Angst ran ramped. It was artsy and fashion forward and ultra something that I never understood.
I was the girl who didn't go out much, wasn't in the know, and certainly wasn't followed. But while I had my "I wish I was more like....." moments I didn't have a pity party or anything like that. My school was actually perfect for me in many ways. It had this major focus on community service and I got to volunteer in some amazing places. Not many schools would let you take off the month of May your senior yr and miss finals to go volunteer in Ethiopia.
I loved it but lets not forget it was high school so I hated it too.
At our 10 yr reunion I got in trouble for talking during meeting. Ah it brought me right back.
Peter came with me, we were just dating then, but he came and immediately wished he hadn't. He commented that I reverted into a high school version of myself and ......he didn't think that we so great. I told him that the same thing happens to him when we hang out with his old friends and its just part of life.
This yr it will be me, p and the j man. I know some of us have gotten married in the last 5 yrs, some of us have kids. I look forward to seeing the changes but I'm sure I will more than anything see the sameness.
These people have seen me at my worst: the Ani/Bonnie incident, and the 8th grade trip, and at my high school best. My fashion foibles: 20 necklaces at a time (what was I thinking), my prom dress (again what was I thinking), and the times when I looked semi ok, examples of those are much harder to think of.
Great times were had even if they didn't seem great at the time: again I'm blanking on examples, but I'm sure we had some......YSOP, Ex-Ed, (feel free to fill in the blank here)
So I'm going back to high school at 33 and taking my family along for the ride. I plan on gossiping, making fun of people, and loving every minute of it even though I'll act like I hate it at the time. Just like I did when I was actually there.
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