Photo of Me, Mom, Peter, Jonah, Julie, Mike, Rosemary, Lauren, Mike, Sofia, and Cali after the Mothers Day Breast Cancer Run/Walk in Philly.
Had the most wonderful Mothers Day Weekend!! Friday my mom came down from NYC. Peter came home with flowers and wine. Love that man!! Had an amazing seafood feast collaborative effort dinner. Rock fish, shrimp, the last of my first homemade pesto, eggplant and sweet potato fries.
Saturday mom and I went to the town yard sale. Scored some major finds. Cast iron corn bread mold, 6 glasses with birds painted on them, 14 kid friendly videos, some pilsner glasses, 2 chairs and a couch!! Photos to follow.
The couch is hideous but i'm hopeful that something can be done to change that. the chairs are outdoor ones that i am going to re purpose into indoor ones. They need cushions and some feet.
Then me, mom, peter, and jonah went to Newark, DE for some errands and walking around. Also a stop by the local fair trade store to celebrate fair trade day with some free fair trade chocolate and coffee. I'm not one to pass up free chocolate or coffee ya know!!!
Mom loved the store. The re purposing is amazing and I may have to splurge on the soda can top purse for Alex and Christina's wedding. I'll justify it by the fact it was made by street children in Brazil.
Then off to dinner at the Yacht Club in Chesapeake City. Ummmmmm so it was AMAZING!!!!! South Beach took a vacation this weekend. Escargot in hazelnut butter for my app. followed by filet mignot smothered in crab royal. which is crab and melted cheese. Did I mention we also got baked brie drizzed with raspberry sauce.
It was a super amazing meal.
We went to bed at 9:30!! Food coma all around.....
Sunday woke up at 4AM. Let me repeat that on mothers day I woke up at 4AM. I've heard that some mothers sleep in and get breakfast in bed on mothers day. But I woke up at 4AM so we could be out the door by 5:30 to get to Philly for the Breast Cancer walk. Lynn and Tom I should have taken you up on your offer to sleep at your house so I didn't have to get up so early. Next yr I'll be there!!
We all got up ate breakfast and were out the door by 6AM. Only 30 min late which for us is pretty impressive. Made it to Philly and drove around forever for parking but got to the walk on time. It was me, mom, peter, jonah, peter's mom, sister, and brother, his brother's father in law and his daughter Cali. Cali slept the whole time. Jonah did not! He did ok in the stroller for the first 2 miles but for the last one was not having it and Peter carried him. It was 40 deg and windy. Not the best weather but we had a great time chatting, walking and being inspired but all the amazing people around us.
Then went to Mike's wife's families house for brunch. Her family is large and welcoming. We have differnt opinions as to what is a child appropriate movie however. For example I DO NOT feel that Step brothers is appropriate and they do. My sweet baby boy heard more curse words in 2 hrs then he has heard in his entire life. And I am certain that _ _ _ _ _ on drums is going to be planted in his subconscious for the rest of his life!
Mom, peter, me, and jonah left and went to Pat's to share a cheese steak. can't leave philly with out a cheese steak, when you've given your diet a vaca that is.
took mom to the train station and left for home. We had all been up since 4, including the j man and we were spent. J and I took a little nap in the car but poor peter had to drive.
Decided to go to sushi for dinner to complete my fabulous weekend. FYI always ask what brand the wine is cause $7.50 for Kendal Jackson pretty much sucks but the sushi was great and the prefect end to mothers day.
Came home and had to cover my garden due to a frost last night. Frost in May, not cool mother nature, not cool. But when I went out this morn to uncover my beautiful garden the watermelon had doubled!! And our first tomato decided to pop out. Its green and adorable. Its supposed to get down to 40 tonight and I may cover again. The strawberries however I don't think are going to make it. That is 2 yrs in a row that the strawberries have died. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it makes me want them even more.......
So we were all exhausted and delirious. Peter put J down and P and I were in bed at 9. Fast asleep, blissfully asleep. 11:30 screams, baby boy screaming, crying, inconsolable, tears, did I mention screams...the piercing screams of a sweet baby having his gums ripped open by a new tooth. I rocked, I gave milk, I hugged, kissed and snuggled. Ambesol did nothing. Of course we had no motrin or tylenol because of the recall and nothing was working. At 12:15 P ventures out to the all night store to try and get something anything to help our baby. He found one bottle of generic motrin left on the store shelf and raced home with it. By this point I had gotten Jonah quieted down to a whimper by a combination of milk, ceiling fan and the lion king. Peter walked in carrying the meds like a golden egg and we gave it to little man. Then we had a discussion about whether the lion king is an appropriate movie for him to watch due to the hyenas.
If anyone has any thoughts on this topic I am curious. I think its on ok movie, Peter doesn't. And let me say that it did calm j down. But we put in Babe. I was terrified that changing the movie would send him into hysterics but he was fine watched a little of the film and went back to sleep. Then so did we.
But 6AM came and he was back up. That's around his usual wake up time.
And now today is in full swing with laundry and cleaning.
My weekend was wonderful. I didn't change a diaper and Peter did the majority of work.
Thank you Peter and Jonah for such a great Mothers Day!!! And thank you both for making me the mother that I am!!! I love you!!
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