Some mornings I just can't get it together. This usually happens on a Monday. I'm tired, I don't feel like anything, I just want to stay in bed under the covers for the foreseeable future. Coffee has no affect, inspirational words have no meaning. But life must take place, breakfast must be made, children have to be played with, life must take place.
In these all too frequent instances I reach in my back pocket and pull out my secret weapon......I put on a punk rock outfit.
Back in the day, as you can see from the above picture I had a more rocker edge. That blue spiky hair is still my absolute favorite way that I have ever had my hair, bar none!!!
Now when I say I put on a punk rock outfit it is a toned down more muted affair. Joan Jett and Joey Ramone would happily pass me by in Walmart (were he still alive) without ever uttering "there goes a rocker chic". but it is about as puck rock as I can get these days.
It makes me feel good. Strong. Full of life.
And in reality punk is much more about that than the clothes anyway. the movement started to die when it became about the clothes. There are many people who I think are punk rock that would never be decked out in a mohawk: the Dali Lama, Jesus, Maya Angelu, Dorothy Day, my mom. They don't care about the establishment, they don't care what is current. They do care about what is right and wrong in the world and look for ways of changing it. They focus on the collective not themselves.
I may not be the bar going, up all night partying, sleeping till 3PM, girl in her 20's but the essence of her spirit still resides inside of me. I can call on her any time and she is always there to say "fuck you negativity. I'm a rocker chic and nothing is going to get me down"!!
bonnie, you're awesome!