Jonah, Peter, and I went to check out the local library. Jonah loved pulling all the books off the shelves, I didn't really love having to chase after him and re shelf everything but we all had a good time. I was surprised by the rather good music selection they had.
Yesterday I drove the minivan all by myself, without P in the car. Now for you long time drivers this my seem like no big deal but for someone who has only had their license for a little over 3 months this was no small feat. Its one thing to drive our little economy car but the van is whole different story.
Our new house, which we still love by the way, has baseboard heaters with no child guards and as you can imagine the inevitable J sticking his hand in the heater transpired and he got a nasty burn on his little finger. He will survive, I'm not sure about his parents.
He looks so different now that he has 2 bottom teeth. I am so used to seeing that adorable toothless ear to ear smile of his but now with teeth the thing is all different. Don't get me wrong he's still totally adorable he just looks more mature, or about as mature as a 10 1/2 month old can look.
The knitting is still going in full force and I will post a photo soon of my work in progress.
Friday is the day that the junk movers are coming to clear out all our moldy stuff from the old apt and take it to the dump. Its painful to think of all that is lost but I am so excited that it will all be gone soon. I feel tied still to all of that drama and I think once its all really gone I'll feel free. We are still dealing with litigation and all but at least we wont have all the actual STUFF hanging around. We wont still have 2 places. We will just have this one beautiful house that we get to live in for the time being and can let all the rest of it go. P and I are doing one last trip over to the old place tonight to get a few last things that can be cleaned and then I'll meet the movers on Friday, and Monday we will give in our keys and that will be that. Move on time is almost upon us.
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