Is anyone else loving this weather? I sit here on my porch listening to the birds all around me thinking of my old cell phone. Cell phone you say. Yes cell phone.
My old cell phone. The one that took a bath on wednesday and hasn't worked since. That cell phone had a ring of bird sounds. I loved that ring. My new phone, well my new phone doesn't. It has some cool ones don't get me wrong but for the most part it's club music or beeps. It does have one that is Native American chants, what specific group I'm not sure. But I think that is going to be the one.
And let me just say a word about Verizon. Um how do I put this delicately? They are evil! I mean really evil like devil evil. Like sadistic want to see you writhe in pain while begging for more And making you pay for the privilege kind of evil.
But of course because the other choices are no better I stuck with them and signed another 2 yr contract.
You may have gotten me this time Verizon but mark my words: your day will come!!!!! I will do whatever I can to bring you down. All while enjoying your wireless service.
And there's the rub. At some point we all have to do things that we don't want to do for a greater cause.
I need cellular service. I just do.
But I'll always miss those bird calls.
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