I think I'm in denial, maybe its a little bit of fear. I knew that with everyone telling me that this baby was going to come early meant that she wouldn't. I called July 4th and I'm sticking to it. But I'm also partially convinced that she's actually never coming out of me!!!
I've been pregnant since September, SEPTEMBER!!! do you realize how long that is!!!! I think she's just decided to stay inside. Maybe I want her to stay inside, the whole birth thing is a bit scary.
I planned a natural midwife attended birth with Jonah and that turned into a c-section 3 ring circus. So I really don't know what to expect with actually delivering a baby. I'm nervous, I'm scared, it is totally the unknown. I have complete faith that I can do it, I just don't have the faith that I'll be given the opportunity to do it. Will this birth be taken away from me as well?
Thinking happy thoughts for you! Hope everything works out well. :)