Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Being a mom, wife, woman, daughter, human is amazing and full of wonder. But it is also hard, challenging, draining, and repetitive. I can't be the only one who finds figuring out what to make for breakfast lunch and dinner over and over again overwhelming at times. It has to be nutritious, taste good, something all 3 of want to eat not the same every day, etc. Sometimes I just open up the fridge and stare blankly for 5 minutes before closing it still having no idea what I'm going to do.
There's laundry, dishes, cleaning, endlessly childproofing since my kid is growing everyday.

To be honest sometimes its just too much. I wonder if I'm strong enough, good enough, doing the right things, do I even know what the right things are.

I pray, I listen for answers (or try, the listening part is not my strong suit). I reflect.

But I have my armor. I know I know we aren't supposed to be caught up in clothes or appearance, but taking time each morning to purposely think about what I'm going to wear, how the clothes make me feel, taking the time to "dress" really helps me. I try to dress "strong". I put things on that make me feel like I can conquer the world. I guess its sorta like dressing for the job you want not the job you have. I want to be strong, handle what ever comes my way, super woman and dressing that part helps me achieve that goal. Albeit more successfully on some days than on others. But hey at least it works for me on most days.