Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I have been MIA for a while, the reasons are too numerous to recount.

But I'm back. For now at least.

So we are smack in the middle of a heat wave, supposed to be 101 today. i usually hate air conditioning but 101.......crank it baby. We have air conditioners in our bedroom and jonah's bedroom but the downstairs and rest of the house is without. It gets insanely hot downstairs and Jonah's little cheeks get beet red. i try to keep him up in the bedroom but he wants to be in his play room. we are trying to come to some sort of compromise, or I should say I am. toddlers aren't great with compromise.

my mom is moved out. i don;t know how it all got done but it did. Jeff and Sharon are total rock stars without them it never would have happened.

Off to lay down while the little one sleeps.

1 comment:

  1. I heard about that heatwave. How miserable! We are burning up over here as well.
