South Carolina for Collin and Allison's wedding. All was lovely. Food, people, weather, etc.
Got a ton of knitting done on the car ride. I think we should drive 10 hrs every weekend. I'd get so much done! Finished the owl sweater vest and the soaker pants that I made for J. He looked so cute in the vest at the rehearsal dinner. Is it wrong that I love to see him in stuff that I've made him? Now I'm starting to make a bag and then felt it!!
I never feel like I take good pics of the stuff I've made. If anyone has a suggestion I would appreciate it.
Went to the beach. a wonderfully windy day. Flew a kite. J walked forever. He picked up his first sea shell. I immediately made a mental note to pick it up whenever he dropped it and save it forever but after 10 min or so he handed it to me. As if to say "here I know you want this". That little boy knows me so well!
Peter looked great in his suit, J looked adorable in his suit, I had a fun time dressing up in my fancy dress. But after 30 min the heels came off and the berks went back on.
Made hummus for the first time last night. A little lumpy but not bad overall. J and P ate it up.
Great job on the knitting! I am definitely not talented in that department.