Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We have a talker!!

My little man is talking!!! Now it may seem odd that I would be excited that my 2.5 yr old is talking but you see this is a new event. Up until now Jonah has said only a few words and those that he did say were understandable only to those of us that spoke "Jonah". But now, WATCH OUT. He is TALLLLLLLKKKKKINGGGG!!!

He got tubes put into his ears 2 weeks ago to help his recurrent ear infections, hearing and speech. Peter and I both felt that he was speaking more clearly on the ride home.

Every day he has been saying more and more, actually saying Mommy instead of MMMMMM. and Daddy instead of Da.
All of a sudden he is counting to 8 and saying the alphabet except the letters V and W.
Who knew that he knew those things. Its truly incredable.

P and I are both big talkers, actually saying that we're big talkers is kind of an understatement so the fact the we had a child who didn't talk was really unexpected. I do think that it has helped me though, I have had to become a better listener, a better communicator. I have had to really listen to Jonah in non verbal ways, get to know what his cues, his gestures, even what his posture means. And for someone who is used to just talking talking talking it has been rather revolutionary.

But now my little guy is talking. and to be honest I'm relieved. It has been difficult, really difficult for me at times. But now Jonah can actually tell me what he wants an I love it love it love it!!!!! hearing him say 1,2,3,4, more, 5, 6 ,8, 7 is absolutely beautiful and no I don't know why the word more comes between 4 and 5 or why 8 comes before 7 and frankly I don't really care.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

give me an S

today the stars aligned an for 15 wondrous minutes both of my children were asleep. They never nap at the same time so I was very skeptical about how long this would last but throwing caution to the wind I decided to shower!! That's right folks SHOWER!!! It had been so long since shower and I had hung out.

I was nervous that one would wake up crying and thereby wake the other up so it was a super speed shower but the water was hot and I am clean.

Its really nice to not smell like baby puke...............sadly I'm sure its not going to last long.

Oh and of course as soon as I got out of the blessed shower Miss Lu was awake :)

Monday, October 3, 2011


Here it is! Are you all ready for my confession?


Its true, I'm not. Its taken me a while to come to this realization, maybe some of you have suspected it all along. But its just hitting me now. I am not wonder woman. I can't do it all, be all things to all people, save the world.

Of course Wonder woman might not be so wonderful either if she had 2 screaming kids in the back of that invisible airplane of hers. I mean there really is no way she's chasing a toddler in those heels, and while her bracelets may be fabulous for deflecting bullets they would most likely scratch a newborn every time she went to pick them up.

Don't get me wrong. I love Wonder Woman. She has blue hair for goodness sake, sure they say its black but we all know its blue. And I'm obviously a fan of her bright and colorful outfit. But I'm beginning to question whether even she could do it all. Maybe the reason she doesn't have kids or a spouse is because she felt that she had to make a choice between career and family and she chose career. After all saving the world is a big job and when your kid has an ear infection you can't really ask if the "bad guy" could try and destroy the world tomorrow cause you're needed at home.

So if Wonder Woman can't do it all and I can't do it all maybe I'm more like her than I thought.