Wonderful Sat night in baltimore. Many things made it fabulous:
1. I left the house
2. Hung out with adults
3. Got to talk girl talk with Lynette, bless you friend. I'm surrounded by boys!
4. The weather was spectacular, 50 degrees!!!
5. Jonah loves hanging around guys, he's with me all day, and seeing how happy he was being around daddy, craig and jon made me smile.
6. Did I mention I left the house?
I need to find a play group or something with moms I like and babies j can play with. we both need it. There is a mom's group around here but it seems every time I say I'm going to go something else comes up. I just need to prioritize better.
Baltimore thank you for rejuvenating me!
Lost....I'm obsessed!! It seemed like everyone was saying how fab it is and can't believe you don;t watch it, etc. During the last snow storm P and I started watching it on Netflix and ummm we're basically lost junkies now. can't get enough, love it, what is going on, complete obsession!!!! I admit we are totally late to the party on this one but I'm glad we finally arrived. last night we started season 2 and let me say that if i could have stayed up all night and watched it i would have. thankfully p convinced me that we did actually have to go to sleep since baby would be waking for his very early morn feeding and work and well people just need sleep.......
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
snowed in #1
Friday, February 5, 2010
snow you know

we are bracing for a big snow storm and fully expect to get snowed in.
I was supposed to go to DC and help Kara unpack in her new house and Peter was supposed to go to Baltimore to welcome back Jon Cassidy and the 2 of them hang out with craig (aka drink, stay up all night, jon almost break someones nose again, act like they are in high school again, the usual for those 3). But alas the snow has put those plans on hold.
The big news round here is that young master jonah took his first independent steps yesterday!!!!!
To be honest he really took his first independent step on Wed. but when he does something new and for the first few times after that he gets really excited and flaps his arms and smiles this great big smile but he didn't do any of that after he took the step so I don't think that he realized that he did it. But yesterday he was standing in the kitchen and gave me this weird look, like I'm about to do something then he smirked. and i said walk to mama jonah and he did he took the cutest 2 steps that have ever been taken in the entire world. Then he went nuts, arms flapping, giggling, head shaking from side to side he was so happy!!!
Peter called just at that moment and I told him what happened and he couldn't believe it.
When P got home j took a few more steps for him, not wanting to leave daddy out of the excitement.
No walking today as of yet. but maybe this afternoon.
I keep passing by this great little farm store and have been waiting till we needed milk to go in since they have a sign saying "organic, local milk". Today was the day. It is run by, well I'm not sure if she was Amish or Mennonite but, a nice lady who is either one or the other. She had her little girl in the store with her and J and the little girl had the best time playing, pulling everything off the shelves, general baby merriment. I love that he can go anywhere and be perfectly happy. He doesn't care who is holding him or where we take him he is just a super happy little guy.
Hopefully I will be able to get some progress made on the wrap during the storm but we'll see. We really should finish unpacking etc. And I did promise myself that it would get done by the end of this week but J had an ear infection so nothing really got accomplished.
I just hope we don't lose power. We don't have any games or anything not even a deck of cards. And no books, maybe we would finally get some sleep.......
Monday, February 1, 2010
Its almost over folks!! At 4 PM p will turn in the keys to the old places and we will be free! Our moldy stuff is in the dump and we are almost done with those people. I'm sure there will be some sort of drama this afternoon but its so close.
Had a wonderful weekend thanks to craig and clare who put us up not one night but 2 after we all got snowed in together in baltimore. Watched "Paranormal Activities" which didn't scare me at all when we watched it but last night in this big dark house I was suddenly terrified. Damn you craig, Damn you!!! Let me just say though that the curtains in our bedroom did spontaneously start to move with no apparent cause. I even woke p up to show him, he wasn't as concerned. I'm still freaked out.
My goal is to be fully unpacked by Fri. It is completely doable. I just have to you know, do it.
Had a wonderful weekend thanks to craig and clare who put us up not one night but 2 after we all got snowed in together in baltimore. Watched "Paranormal Activities" which didn't scare me at all when we watched it but last night in this big dark house I was suddenly terrified. Damn you craig, Damn you!!! Let me just say though that the curtains in our bedroom did spontaneously start to move with no apparent cause. I even woke p up to show him, he wasn't as concerned. I'm still freaked out.
My goal is to be fully unpacked by Fri. It is completely doable. I just have to you know, do it.
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